
Notice Board Policy

Council Policies Uploaded on January 24, 2024

Parish Council Notice Boards –  Document Display Policy


This Policy sets out the criteria governing the nature of acceptable material to be displayed on all official parish council notice boards.


  1. It is the overall policy of Icklesham Parish Council that no material of discriminatory, inflammatory or purely commercial nature should appear on those notice boards under its control.


  1. Notices will normally be issued by the Clerk to the Council and will have originated either with the Parish Council, District Council, County Council, or such bodies as may be considered appropriate to local council business.



  1. From time to time the Clerk, or Ward Councillors, may wish to display other material relevant to local community life and this is permissible provided that it falls within the general constraints outlined in Paragraph 1 above.


  1. Where there is doubt as to the acceptability of an item proposed for display, the Clerk should be consulted before it is posted. If the matter remains unresolved, it must be put before full council for a final decision.


  1. The Clerk and key holders of the Notice Boards should ensure that the boards remain uncluttered and that the Agenda and the draft Minutes to be approved at the next council meeting should be prominently displayed in each Ward’s parish notice board together with any other important Parish Council information.


Dated Adopted: 4th May 2021                                                 Signed: Cllr P Turner (Chairman)


Reviewed and Adopted: 15th May 2023