Draft Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held at Winchelsea Court Hall on Monday 22nd January 2024
Cllrs Present: J Justice, I McConnochie, D Smedley and A Rixon
In Attendance: Jenner Sands, Clerk & RFO
Cllr Warren had given his apologies and Cllr Smedley agreed to chair the meeting.
1. The Chairman opened the meeting at 6:15 pm.
2. To record any apologies for absence. Apologies received from Cllr Warren, Cllr Ms Eldridge, Cllr Kitteridge and Cllr Stanford.
3. To receive any Declarations of Interest (Personal or Personal & Prejudicial) by Members. There were none.
4. Comments or questions from members of the public present relating to items on the Agenda. There were no public questions.
5. To approve the Minutes of the Planning Meeting of the 8th January 2024. The Minutes were approved and signed.
6. To consider applications referred by Rother District Council:
a) RR/2023/2641/P – Milestone, Hog Hill, Wickham Rock Lane, Winchelsea, TN36 4AH Demolition of outbuilding for provision of side extension. RESOLVED: It was agreed to support approval of the application.
b) RR/2023/2538/P – Seasurge, The Ridge, Winchelsea Beach, TN36 4LU Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of new two storey dwelling. RESOLVED: it was agreed to question the fact that the plans show a bedroom on the ground floor and to highlight the fact that this is not recommended in flood zones.
c) RR/2023/2569/P – Cleveland House, Rookery Lane, Winchelsea, TN36 4EE Variation of condition 2 and removal of condition 3 imposed on RR/2023/1097/P to omit the installation of the three air source heat pumps to serve main dwelling and allow the air source heat pump unit for pool house to be located on existing concrete base. RESOLVED: it was agreed to support approval of the application.
7. Unoccupied properties in Winchelsea (3 the 5 Houses and Martens).
The Clerk confirmed that since the last meeting she had written to Dan Bevan in relation to 3 the 5 Houses highlighting the areas of concern raised by the Conservation Society. The Clerk had asked Mr Bevan whether he had received any response from the owner. Mr Bevan had replied to confirm he had not received a response but that he would send a formal chaser. The Clerk confirmed she would keep the committee updated.
8. Flyposting, graffiti and flytipping matters. Nothing to report.
9. (a) Decisions and Enforcement Matters advised by Rother District Council.
The following decisions were noted:-
Decisions | |||
Reference | Location | Proposal | Status |
RR/2023/2396/T | 2 Mariteau House, German Street,
Winchelsea |
T1 – Bay Tree – Reduce crown by 10m. Reduce the spread to 7/8m wide to maintain the balance of the tree. Remove lower branches to prevent damage to summer house. | No objection. |
RR/2023/2304/P | Solpax,
Morlais Ridge, Winchelsea Beach, |
Proposed conversion of garage to provide ancillary annexe
accommodation. |
Planning permission granted subject to conditions. |