Health and Safety Policy
Icklesham Parish Council’s Health and Safety Statement:
“Icklesham Parish Council recognises and accepts its responsibility for
providing a safe and healthy environment for its members; staff;
volunteers; visitors; and for anyone affected by its activities.
The Council maintains this policy for the management of health and
safety as its top priority and will do all that is reasonably practicable to
ensure effective organisation and planning are established and
maintained. The Council will also ensure that appropriate and effective
audit and review mechanisms are used to inform the work of the
Council, which undertakes to commit appropriate resources to manage
health and safety.”
Our statement of general policy, below, is based upon that required by virtue of the Health and Safety at
Work etc. Act 1974. The principles of the Act and its underpinning Regulations as later published are taken
by the Council as a minimum requirement for the safe and effective management of the Council and its
Our statement of general policy is:
- To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our activities;
- To consult with our staff on matters affecting their health and safety;
- To provide and maintain safe equipment;
- To provide sufficient information, instruction, and supervision of staff, volunteers and visitors as far
as is reasonably practicable; - To ensure all staff and volunteers are competent in their Council-related activities, and to provide
adequate training as far as is reasonably practicable; - To prevent accidents and activity-related ill health as far as is reasonably practicable;
- To maintain safe and healthy conditions for conducting the Council’s business and the public
facilities it provides; and - To review and revise this Policy as necessary at regular intervals, but at least annually.
Adopted by Full Council: 10th July 2023 Minute Reference: 23/97a)
Review Date: May 2024 Date Reviewed:
Signed: Cllr J Stanford (Chair)