Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held at Winchelsea Beach Community Hall on Monday 11th December 2023
Cllrs Present: Ms. N Eldridge, J Justice, D Kitteridge, I McConnochie, D Smedley, A Rixon and N Warren (Chairman)
In Attendance: 3 members of the public were present.
- The Chairman to open the meeting at 6:30 pm.
- To record any apologies for absence.
Apologies received from Cllr Mrs. Stanford.
- To receive any Declarations of Interest (Personal or Personal & Prejudicial) by Members.
There were none.
- Comments or questions from members of the public present relating to items on the Agenda.
A resident from Winchelsea spoke in relation to item 7 of the agenda. He handed the committee some photographs which show the extent of the issues with 3 the 5 Houses.
A resident from Icklesham spoke in relation to item 6a of the agenda. He confirmed that he lives opposite the proposed site and confirmed that it is a very small site and he does not feel it is big enough for the proposed development. He also said that Manor Close is a narrow road and no consideration has been given to where the trades are going to park when the works are being carried out. He said that the works would cause a lot of disruption to neighbouring properties. He also said that the proposal is that the building is to be built on a slope which means that building materials are likely to spill out into the road.
- To approve the Minutes of the Planning Meeting of the 27th November 2023.
The Minutes were approved and signed.
- To consider applications referred by Rother District Council:
Outline application for the erection of single storey 3 person 2 bed dwelling with all matters reserved except access.
RESOLVED: it was agreed to object to the application on the basis that there are no details as to how surface water and foul water drainage would be dealt with and the sewer infrastructure in Icklesham cannot cope with extra development.
- Unoccupied properties in Winchelsea (3 the 5 Houses and Martens).
The Committee considered correspondence between the Winchelsea Conservation Society and Rother District Council. RESOLVED: The Clerk is to write to Rother District Council and ask them whether they would consider carrying out the works needed and recovering the costs from the owner as they have done with another property in the Town fairly recently, namely 9 Barrack Square.
- Flyposting, graffiti and flytipping matters.
Cllr Rixon raised the fact that he had received a few complaints from residents about the lit up sign outside the Winchelsea Lodge. RESOLVED: Cllr Smedley is going to ask the owner to turn the brightness down to see if that helps in the first instance.
- (a) Decisions and Enforcement Matters advised by Rother District Council.
The following decisions were noted:
Decisions | |||
Reference | Location | Proposal | Status |
RR/2023/1381/L | Strand House, Tanyard Lane, Winchelsea |
Refurbishment and restoration of building to include structural repairs,
general redecoration, installation of new ensuite facilities, installation of secondary glazing, regularisation of beam stripping, formation of ensuite bathroom, alteration to staircase, energy efficiency improvements and the reinstatement of a chimney stack. |
Listed Building Consent granted subject to conditions |
RR/2023/2112/T | St Thomas C Of E Primary School, Friars Road, Winchelsea |
G1 – Ash – Crown lift all trees by cutting back to boundary or suitable
growth point. |
No objection |
RR/2023/2127/T | Waterstone Cottage, Rectory Lane, Winchelsea | Removal of a small apple tree. | No objection |
RR/2023/2148/T | 3 Trojans Plat, Winchelsea Icklesham |
T1 – Oak: remove major deadwood, crown raise to 8m from ground level
and prune back crown by 2m from neighbour’s house. |
No Objection |