
Minutes of Planning Meeting 8th January 2024

Planning Minutes Uploaded on January 25, 2024

Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held at Rye Harbour Village Hall on Monday 8th January 2024

Cllrs Present: Ms. N Eldridge, J Justice, D Kitteridge, I McConnochie, Mrs. J Stanford, D Smedley, A Rixon and N Warren (Chairman)

In Attendance:  2 members of the public were present.

 1. The Chairman to open the meeting at 6:30 pm.

 2. To record any apologies for absence. There were none.

 3. To receive any Declarations of Interest (Personal or Personal & Prejudicial) by Members. There were none.

4. Comments or questions from members of the public present relating to items on the Agenda.

A resident from Winchelsea gave an update in relation to item 7. He said that the owner of Martens actually wrote to him. Since receiving the letter, the resident has attempted to contact the owner to ascertain whether he intends to carry out the works. He has not yet received a response.

In relation to 3 the 5 Houses, at a meeting this morning the Conservation Society have decided to involve the Minister of State and also to contact Historic England again.

Another resident from Winchelsea made the point that Heritage England actually supply grants to Local Authorities for compulsory purchases.

 5. To approve the Minutes of the Planning Meeting of the 11th December 2023. The Minutes were approved and signed.

As the only members of the public present were in attendance re item 7, this item was brought forward.

7. Unoccupied properties in Winchelsea (3 the 5 Houses and Martens).

The Clerk explained that she had spoken to Dan Bevan regarding 3 the 5 Houses following our latest letter. He confirmed that the property is not at a stage where they would consider a compulsory purchase or to carry out the works themselves. He confirmed that he has always found the owner to be responsive when they have asked him to sort issues in the past, for example the collapsed ceiling. Dan Bevan confirmed to the Clerk that he has written to the owner and legally he has a certain amount of time in which to respond. He said that he would update the Clerk in the New Year. The Clerk will chase this if she has not heard anything by 10th January.

 6. To consider applications referred by Rother District Council:

 a) RR/2023/2541/P Greenspan, The Ridge, Winchelsea Beach Alterations to the existing dwelling, including creation of rear dormer. RESOLVED: it was agreed to support approval of the application.

b) RR/2023/2498/P Bredeside, Sea Road, Winchelsea Beach Proposed single storey rear and side extension including creation of balcony; new cladding, roof  tiles and glazing; construction of dormer to eastern side of main roof; installation of solar panels to western side of main roof. RESOLVED: it was agreed to support approval.

 8. Flyposting, graffiti and flytipping matters.

It was noted that although the sign outside the Winchelsea Lodge has been dimmed on some occasions, there have been other occasions where it was too bright.  RESOLVED: Clerk is to report this to Highways.

 9. (a) Decisions and Enforcement Matters advised by Rother District Council.

 The following decisions were noted:

Reference Location Proposal Status
RR/2022/1157/P The Atlas Business Park and Weslake site,

Harbour Road,

Rye Harbour

Relocation of 300 shipping containers located on business park site to the

adjacent Weslake site, to be replaced by the erection of 22 new industrial

units together with associated car parking and landscaping.

Planning Permission granted subject to conditions
RR/2023/1122/P River Brede Farm, Castle Farm Lane, Winchelsea


Removal of condition 2 imposed on RR/92/0838/P and condition 3

imposed on RR/2006/2655/P to allow for unrestricted use of the property.

Planning permission granted
RR/2023/2191/T Mount Edge,

Barrack Square, Winchelsea

T1 and T2 Lime – to be pollarded back to prior pollarding height.


No objection
RR/2023/1351/P Beach Retreat, Pett Level Road, Winchelsea Beach,


Two storey extension to the existing beach cafe to provide larger

servicing/amenity space, including cladding works and provision of

additional parking spaces. New first floor to form two holiday let flats with covered balconies.

Planning Permission granted subject to conditions

The following enforcement matters were noted:

Enforcement Matters
Reference Location Complaint Status
ENF/326/23/ICK Knockbridge Farm,

Laurel Lane


Holiday let Waiting further info


(b) Breaches of planning control.

It was noted that the gates at Bredeside still haven’t been removed, despite the applicants losing the appeal. RESOLVED: Clerk is to contact RDC Enforcement regarding this.

 10. Date & venue of next Planning Meeting.

 Monday 22nd January 2024 6.15 at Winchelsea Court Hall.