Future Meetings
13th May 6.15 pm – Planning Committee followed by Annual Council Meeting at Rye Harbour Village Hall
31st May 7.00 pm – Annual Parish Meeting to be held at Icklesham Memorial Hall
It is a very busy time of year for the Parish Council. The Clerk is very busy finalising the accounts for the upcoming internal and external audit and organising the annual council meeting and the annual parish meeting. We hope to see you all there!
We are also pleased to announce that we have launched our new website Icklesham Parish Council – East Sussex (icklesham-pc.gov.uk) which is much more user friendly for our residents.
New Contact Details for the Clerk
The Clerk has a new email address. Please use clerk@icklesham-pc.gov.uk to contact the Clerk going forward. The Councillors also have new email addresses. Please visit our website or contact the Clerk if you need contact details for an individual Councillor.
Annual Parish Meeting
There can be, and often is, confusion between the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Council Meeting. All Towns and Parishes throughout England are required by law to hold an Annual Parish Meeting, which must take place between 1 March and the 1 June (inclusive).
This technically is not a Council meeting but it is normally the Parish Council who organise this meeting each year.
The purpose of the meeting is to give the Parish Council, and other local organisations an opportunity to let local residents know what they have been doing over the past year. The meeting is also an opportunity for electors to have a say on anything they consider valuable to the people of the Parish.
The meeting can also be an opportunity for local groups, clubs, societies and other voluntary and statutory organisations to provide an exhibition and/or have representatives from the group address those present at the meeting about the work they do and what they are involved in.
This year the Annual Parish Meeting has been organised for Friday 31st May 7.00 pm at Icklesham Memorial Hall.
We have organised presentations from:-
- Rother District Council to come and give a presentation on the new Local Plan, which is open for public consultation from 12th April. They will also be able to answer questions residents may have on the new Local Plan.
- Representatives from Winchelsea Museum
We are also relaunching our community awards scheme which is where the Council present awards to residents and organisations who go above and beyond for the local community. Those who have been selected for an award will be contacted prior to the meeting.
There will also be light refreshments at the end of the meeting. We really hope to see lots of residents attending this year as it will be a very interesting meeting. The Parish Council will be providing transport to and from Rye Harbour, Winchelsea Beach and Winchelsea. If you would like to book a seat, please contact the Clerk.
IPC are here to represent you and welcome your views on any matter. Please contact the Clerk to send your views and requests to the Council at clerk@icklesham-pc.gov.uk or write to PO Box 148, WINCHELSEA, TN31 9FP TEL: 0771416990