Icklesham Parish Council consists of 13 Councillors who serve for a four year term. Parish Councillors are unpaid and are elected by the local electorate. The latest elections were held in May 2023 and the next elections will be in 2027.
Icklesham Parish Council is the first tier of local government, closest to the community. Parish Councillors act together in the local interest to improve the local environment, initiate and lead projects and get things done. These local environmental matters include public open spaces, playgrounds, allotments, footpaths, litter, shelters, seats, signs and public events.
Councillors aim to ensure that the views of the community are taken into consideration by other agencies, authorities and organisations responsible for taking decisions which affect Icklesham and its residents. A full list of our current Councillors can be found on our website here.
Full Council Meetings
Icklesham Parish Council meet bi-monthly. Full Council meetings are held in the village halls throughout the Parish on a rotational basis. Please see the events calendar for details of the next Parish Council Meeting.
The Parish Council allow a set period of time (15 Minutes) at the start of each meeting for residents to come and address the Council on any item that is on the agenda.
The agenda is published at least 3 days before the meeting on the Parish Council website here and also on the Parish Noticeboards throughout the Parish.
Annual Parish Council Meeting
In an election year, the “old Council” retires on the Monday following the day of elections, when the new Council comes into being. The new Council must hold its Annual (and first) Meeting within a fortnight from that Monday. In any other year, the Annual Meeting must take place in May. Icklesham Parish Council hold the Annual meeting on the second Monday of May. The items on the agenda will include:-
- Electing the Chair and Vice-Chair for the Council year
- Appointing Committees
- Appointing Representatives to external bodies
- Reviewing policies
Annual Parish Meeting
There can be, and often is, confusion between the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Parish Council Meeting. All Towns and Parishes throughout England are required by law to hold an Annual Parish Meeting, which must take place between 1 March and the 1 June (inclusive). Meetings should not commence before 6pm.
This technically is not a Council meeting but it is normally the Parish Council who organise this meeting each year.
The purpose of the meeting is to give the Parish Council, and other local organisations an opportunity to let local residents know what they have been doing over the past year. The meeting is also an opportunity for electors to have a say on anything they consider valuable to the people of the Parish.
The meeting can also be an opportunity for local groups, clubs, societies and other voluntary and statutory organisations to provide an exhibition and/or have representatives from the group address those present at the meeting about the work they do and what they are involved in.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who will Chair the Meeting?
The Chair of the Parish Council will Chair the meeting. If the Chair is not present then the Vice-Chair will Chair the meeting.
Will Parish Councillors be at the Meeting?
County, District and Parish Councillors will be invited to the meeting however the purposes of the meeting is for local residents to find out what has been happening in the Parish for the last year and also to raise issues and ask questions.
Who can attend the meeting?
Any registered elector may ask a question of the Council which will usually be answered by the Chair, the Clerk or the Council, or a designated Councillor. An elector may also make a suggestion and comment on anything pertinent to the residents of the Parish. This will be welcomed and is the whole purpose of the meeting.